Can't wait to be with you again...

Monday, July 23, 2007

Another french idea for the future!!!!

Hello everybody !!!

In France, we work about the project of the future!!!
We are a group which work about the project of European festival. Initially, we thinking do it in Greece as it was plan, but it’s difficult to have contact. So we think that it will be difficult to organize it to next summer with the initial form.
Moreover, we are interesting by the Portuguese proposition, about training course.

And for not loosing energy because we can’t be everywhere: So, we propose to start, to join the two project, if the Greek and Portuguese team are agree, and organize in France a youth exchange, and use art to talk about a subject (like discrimination for example) and to finish the week with a musical evening with European group if it’s possible.

It’s an idea and we must work a lot about it, but we are motivated! So if the Greek and Portuguese team are agree, and if other country are interesting to participate and to work about the creation of the week (like the youth exchange in the Portugal) we are ready to start to develop this project for next summer!!!!

We wait your reaction and we would know very soon if you are ready to collaborate and have a team in this exchange!!!

We wait for your answer!!!!

Kiss to all!!!!

the french group

Monday, June 25, 2007

Italians do it better: our project for the future!

Dear all,
We deeply miss the days in Portugal and you all!
Even if june has been incredibly hot here in Florence and we're all looking forward to holidays (Mirko, Liila and Letizia are going to PAF Festival in Corfu!!!) the italian team is working.... our brains are running fast and produced the great idea to:
This is the pre-call of partners we're sending around. It should have arrived to all of you already.

"We are a group of italian young people who met during a youth exchange in frame of Crossroad large-scale project.
We would like to organize a multilateral youth exchange here in Florence (Tuscany) for April 2008 (deadline 1st September 2007).
We thought that it would be nice and interesting to work on sustainable development with an eye on what we (as individuals and families) can do in concrete. E.g. recycling, reducing consumption, re-using, awareness on our impact on the environment, etc.
For this exchange we are thinking of some activities to involve local communities to be done before, during and after the exchange.
We would like to develop the project part in the city of Florence, part in the countryside because we think it’s important to see the two different scenarios.
We are looking for groups of 4-5 young people aged 20-25 (+ a group leader) interested in participating in this project.
We would like to develop the project together with the partners since the very beginning to promote a strong involvement of all the participant in the project.
If you’re interested please contact Liila within 2nd July 2007 (

Elena, Giuseppe, Liila, Letizia, Mirko."

So... what do you think?? We'll be very happy to see all of you in Italy next year, so... talk with your friends, your organizations, everybody and.... COME!!!!

Friday, June 08, 2007

Ideas for Future Projects! - French Reaction

Corinne sent us the french reply to our request for future projects. Let´s take a look a reflect a little more:

We had a meeting last week in France to talk about the future too. We determined different action and worked in little group about it.

1) Art festival

When we talked about it in Portugal, we were thinking, that it will be during one week. But, now, in France, we think it will be difficult to organize this during one week and, like Portuguese team, it’s hard and expensive…
So, we think maybe it will be better, if the Greek team agree, to integrate this project in the Andreas’s festival, and, if it’s possible of course, in his festival, to profit of one special evening to do a European concert with European music group.
For us, it will be easier to start with anything which exists already, and if in Greece it’s not possible, in other country…. in France we are agree and start, if other country are motivated, to organize this.
But, one of the reflections about the art festival in France is that for the European subvention, it’s necessary to do a festival not for just a festival but to integrate other subject.
And if it happens another country than in Greece, the hosting country need to be very motivated, and ready to carry and organise the project.

2) Training course

At the last meeting, we evocated this project but we didn’t work in this. So, the proposition of the Portuguese team is for me interesting so we will talk about this in the next meeting that it’s the 23 of June, and we tell you the French reaction about this after.
Just a short reflection and suggestion about this training: why not mixing the art festival / youth exchange and training, like having a week of training that finish with a concert (linked with the topic of the week)

3) 6 of October

We work a lot in France on another project that is the project of the 6 of October.
The project is that all the country organizes the same day a manifestation. It would be the Crossroad day.
The subject and animations in this day are free but the principle is to do things the same day in our 6 local networks on the 6 countries related to youth participation and to connect at the same hour with internet and exchange…..
We don’t know if all the countries heard about it but we think that it can be very good to create a European action and mobilise in each of our countries!!!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Ideas for Future Projects!!! Let's get together again!!!

Yesterday part of the Portuguese team had a meeting to discuss the follow-up ideas of the Youth Exchange in Portugal.

We look to the project ideas raised on the YE and we had some reflections about them.

So we like to share this reflections with all of you and challenge you to work together in one of these, or other projects.

We suggest that you leave your comments about working together in the future on the blog, and all so by e-mail to all the contact list.

We are waiting for all ideas! We would really like to work together again!

Read you soon!

Future Project Ideas - Training course

Countries: Greece, Portugal, Italy, France, Lithuania, Spain,Cap Verte, Morocco

Type of activity: Training Course

1. Learn how to organize a Youth Exchange to make youngsters more sensible to participation in local communities
2. Meet other cultures;
3. Learn activities to bring at local level

1. Workshop on poverty, discrimination, racism, drugs and sexually transmitted diseases;
2 Meeting with local communities to learn local heritage, habits;
3. Extreme activities to bring more energy and emotion

Venue: First- Lithuania; Second - Morocco; Third – Cap Verte

Reflections about this project
The Portuguese team likes this project very much, and would like to take a part in it. However, feels that:
- It should be more focused in geographic terms;
- It has to much themes… it should be more specific and invest in visiting local communities
- France should be a good place to have the TC, because it has many cultural groups, and number of social issues

1. Is it necessary to go out of Europe to develop this project (monetary issues became a big problem in this project?
2. Is is possible for a TC to occur in different countries and divided in time? (if not, we think that France and Portugal are good countries to host this project).


Future Project Ideas - Art Festival

Countries: Greece, Portugal, Italy, France, Lithuania

Type of activity: Art Festival


  1. Intercultural mix;

  2. Collect money to support the local communities;

  3. Raise awareness about European Union, fight discrimination


  • Workshops in different neighbourhoods with the locals;

  • Have a detailed program that involves the locals;

  • Concerts, photo exhibitions, video art, painting, graffiti, street art, dance, theatre, circus

  • Camping;

Venue: Greece – Oropos
Date: July 2008

Reflections about this project
This project seems a good way to promote cultural exchange;
It could be followed by other similar festivals in the partners countries;
It’s a good ideia to have cooperation between several countries to help a community;
It’s a hard project to develop, it takes lots of logistic work;
It’s a expensive project

1. Is there any interest in developing this project?
2. If there is interest, when can we start working on it?
3. Which organization is responsible for the local development and management of the local activities?
4. Which cultural contribution and help can every country give to the project?


Sunday, May 06, 2007

Motivation Meeting! :-)

Thinking about the future, the Portuguese group meet to define the next goal and aims in this project.

First we had a home cooked meal than we had a brainstorm!

So we defined that in a close future we want to have more training about citizenship, youth participation and about how to make a project.

Meanwhile next week we are going to look to the ideas raised in the Youth Exchange... we want to get pour hands on hard work!
Dino and Wilson are not in this picture becouse they are in training. Wilson is in France and Dino is in Quiaios!
Hugs and kisses to everyone!

Sunday, April 29, 2007


Back to home now !!!!!!!!! So bad!!!!! Back to reality, back to simple life like Antdeas in the army!!!!
It was an unforgettable experience for all and we look forward to enjoy again all the team to have great night moments in kopakabana!!!!!!!!
The greek team would like to say thank you for the hospitality in
Século , Trajouce , Torre ,Flamenga!








Saturday, April 28, 2007

Each and every one of us

In an informal meeting, the italian team tried hard to put in words the feelings for each person met during the exchange.
In the end, we would like to share with all of you this extremely FINE result.

Dino - The best Pizzaman
Sergio - Better than Cristiano Ronaldo, and with more fans!
Lito - An istitution of Torre
Wilson - Copacabana Sex Machine
Rasta - Feel my body...
Rafi - One barrio, one life!
Mauro - The more patient teacher of Capoeira (especially with these unable students)
Vera - International MAMMA

Christian - More break than dance in Catalunia!
Nuria - Break(dance) is back
Jonathan - Candela is a puta!
Nadine - The interpreter

Vincent - The revolutionary with the hat
Sebastien - One man, one guitar!
Alexandre - Alcoholic Zidane
Corinne - Sweet as the finest french crepes
Marcianne - No laugh at the couchon de ta mere

Monika - Me, you and Dostoevskij (with fancy sunglasses)
Julia - Little Lithuania, big heart!
Juste - Houston, we have a problem...
Ramunas - King of flowers
Renata - Our alarm clock

Fanis - Full of libido energy!
Dionisis (Dioniso) - Sunday is always the best
Manolis (Manolo) - The new crossroad video star!
Antonis - The creator of Collectiva: One solution, REVOLUTION!
Antreas - The GURU of black magic


Elena - La femme de couper le joint
Liila - mmm, salame! Bery bery vegetarian...
Letizia - The magister of greek alphabet
Stefanos - Limoncello's thief
Mirko (Marke) - The only man that can make every girl in the world dance

OK we may have gone a bit crazy....


"Greeks do always things at the last minute,
but they are always successfull!"

BUT... are we really sure of it??

Maybe they're just LIARS..........

.... 4 hours before...
The greek team was working hard on their country presentation!

Meanwhile, the italian team was enjoying drinking time on the beach!


Crossroad Dictionary... language is important!


1. Malàkas
2. Copacabana
3. Bellaciao
4. Gamistronas
5. Pizzunakia (Rafi & Julia)
6. Bery bery...
7. I believe I can fly (especially for Wilson)
8. Alani vs. xenerotes
9. ...feel my body... (Rastaman)
10. Pizza tower

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Italians bery bery Malakas!!

Ciao a tutti!

This evening the italian group is having a (drinking) meeting @Stefano's house. The bottles of Porto and Baileys are on the table. We had an incredible fusion dinner made by chef Stefanos (sushi and pici of Siena). We watched the 4 hours videos from the exchange and we miss you so much!!!!!!!!!!

Please write more on this fucking blog and on the fucking yahoo mailing list!!!!!!!

You have the power! :-)
and we have the Porto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are obviously drunk.... BUT we remember the festival! And you???

See you soon

Lots of kisses

The italians
PS. Tomorrow our energizer is:
Stefano: work at 8 am
Mirko: wake up at 6 am for work
Liila: wake up at 7.30 am to register 2 beeery beeery essential exams
Elena: fankazzism
Letizia: sleep untill 15 pm........

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Youth Exchange has happened…

It was simply wonderful!

After months of preparation, finally the Youth Exchange in Portugal arrived and it was a smash!

All the teams were ready, filed with expectations and doubts about how it would be.

Some starting stress, was vanished after the Ice breaking and get to know games led by several teams.

The group was all set and ready to go!
- To the neighbourhoods , where the locals were very proud to welcome us, and made everything to makes feel at home, with lots of good food (at least for the Portuguese :-) )!
- To sport activities (canoeing, capoeira, beach games, walking miles);
- To debates and other reflection moments;
- To intercultural evenings and other activities prepared by the teams;

After moving all day, preparing, presenting and participating in activities, it was natural that all of us felt tired and need to rest so… we continued on partying or exchanging in the beach bars, in the beach, in Século, on the rooms...

… Exchanging EVERYWHERE!

With dancing, music, games, songs or just with ourselves and a rabbit sometimes!

Since the beginning the group spirit was very high and willing to take over any proposed activity, even when some obstacles appeared:
The early starts…
The rain in outdoor activities…
The tiredness of everyday moving…
The language barriers…
Home sickness…

The joy, commitment and cooperation of everyone at all time gave life to the theme of this Exchange “Youth Participation”.

These special group and dynamic made this experience rich in emotions, achievements, cultural exchanges and learning…UNFORGETABLE!

Everyone was moved by the spirit of this group, partners, locals, Século staff and the visits, that had difficulties on going way!


Keep this spirit, comment on this blog, give your ideas to

Next post:

Most said words or sentences of this exchange! (ex: Copacabana)
Results of the evaluation form

Give your ideas!

Finally pictures

The awesome italian team carrying the awesome Vera.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Hella Malakas!

Hey everybody too tired to write?

I slept over 14 hours on saturday and re-emerged with my eyes and brain full of dreams of blue oceans and beautiful memories of the exchange.
I miss each one of you a lot, it has been so hard to go back to "normal" life again, I am still struggling...
When we left we forgot to take all the contact list and the pictures... so now I hope that you'll leave your contacts (MSN, Skype, email, as you please) on the blog comments or that Vera will read this desperate announce and mail everyone with it! :-P
For the moment I will leave you mines.
I wanted to post one of my few picture, but I don't have any with me at the moment, I promise I'll add one later.
One more thing: Stefanos asked us to define with a word all the exchange. A part from the fact that it's impossible, I thought about it all the one hour train ride from Bologna to Firenze and in the end... it came up to me: INITIATIVE. I thought about this one surely not because it is the best one (it's madness wanting to stick every single moment of the awesome experience we shared in one single word) but because it's a word that looks forward.
I would really like to take more initiative in my life, in my local community, in my association, in Europe... basicly in everything I do. This exchange has thaught me this: it's not worth to wait in the second line: we must step right in front and take action!!
I hope you all are happy and I would like to embrace you in the biggest hug ever on earth
Take care,
lots of love,

Monday, March 19, 2007

Start to countdown to the Youth Exchange! The Portuguese Team is preparing for you...

The Y.E. is coming and the Portuguese team is preparing to receive you all in style...

We are having meetings to discuss the final detail of the program and to prepare our own presentations.

Yesterday we had one of these meetings in a terrace in Cascais, near the venue of the Y.E. We took a terrible picture (sorry about that), but as you can see it was a wonderful and inspirational sun.

Lets hope that this sun and warm weather follow us until the April 7th so... don´t forget to bring your swimming suit!
Hugs and kisses
(Abraços e beijos)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Greek team is ready!!!!



My name is Fanis Karamanlis I am 22 years old. I live and remain in the island of Corfu and Study in the department of sound and picture… In my free hours I deal with the football and Handball… I believe in cas cais we pass well and to leave with the better recollections.

Hi!!!! I am Manolis from Greece! I am 23 years old and I am studying environmental engineering!

I live in Oropos, a small town near Athens!

My great love is music! I have made my own studio and I create songs!

Also I am interesting in computers and i like playing pc games! I like movies and cinema.

You will learn more details about me in our meeting!!!!!

Can’t wait to see you all!!!!!!! Until then take care!!!

Hi!! My name is Antreas Papanagiotou….I am 25 years old and I live in Pelekas village Corfu

I am the group leader of Greek team…..

Monday, February 26, 2007

Lets Cross our fingers for crossroad!
Last weekend Portugal had the pleasure to receive the amazing team of youth leaders of the next exchange. They will probably tell you all about it. (Dont forget to ask them about the black magic...they will know...)

Anyway, here are some pictures of the place where we will stay during the exchange, the beach near by, the working room and the view out of the windows.

Ahhh, and the picture of the group pretending to work...Im mean... working hard on the programme!

Monday, February 19, 2007

last news about Bretons

tonight we had discussion around a convivial dinner...

First we wanted to introduce you our last participant VINCENT:

i am 19 years old.

I study History.

I like sports (basketball, football...) and going to concerts and organise some them with some friends. I really like simple life for this importants moment: drink, eat and sleep.

I'm involved in NGO who organised concerts.

I have some project to travel in TOGO in next August.

Oops! i forgot to say to you i LIke cats!

see you soon in Portugal.

We discuss also about the programm (we are impatient to discover your realities and sports activities!)

1/ We are interrested to take in charge the presentation of particpants (on saturday morning). we thought about funny game to discover each other better (names, hobbies, actions...)

2/ on monday afternoon, when we will go in Torre, we propose to build a kind of workshops in order to presents each local realities of the networks and concrets actions realised in each territories of CROSSROAD. what do you think about this proposle?

For the internationnal evening: we NEED to acess to the kitchen (most of our traditionnal meals should be cooked). if you solved this problem we can do our meals on the wenesday night. (if not, we will come with some fresh meals and we will need to do it on saturday)

We had began tonight to bought our plane tikets

arrival the 30 march (we couldn't arrive earlier cause of budget) at 21:35 Lisboa

departure from Lisboa the 7 april at 15:15

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Italians are coming!!!

Here we are....finally....

Quick presentation..

Name: Letizia
Age: 23
City: Firenze (Italy)
Study: Public Communications
Favourite Movie: ?Forrest Gump?, ?Schlindler?s List?, ?Le fabuleux
destin d'Amélie Poulain?
Favourite Music: Franz Ferdinand, Alanis Morrissette, Oasis.
Sport: Basketball, Ultimate Frisbee, Soccer.
Things I like: travelling, make new friends, cooking, cloudy sunsets on
the beach.
Things I don?'t like: hypocrisy, extra-dark chocolate, waking up early.
Particularities: I wear glasses and I can'?t wait for Harry Potter 7!
When I finish University I?'d love to work for the European Commission.

name: mirko cantini
age:20 years old
profession: student
I like: movies, dance, table tennis, pizza and pasta!!, and everything funny
I don't like: study, nothing to do in the evening, olive and lemon
movie: love actually, patch adams, casomai, and other 1000..maybe
music: 883, and all the song that have a meening for me..and all that we can
dance in latin-american dance..

NAME: elena
AGE: 22/23
CITY:i was born in grosseto but now i live in
STUDY/WORK: i study childhood science at the
florence university and i work in the national social
working program for the youth(servizio civile)
I LIKE...:children,animals,art,travel and read
I DON'T LIKE...:violence
FILM:"pulp fiction" and all tarantino's films
MUSIC:radiohead,prodigy and reggae music
CHARACTERISTICS MARKS:i'm always careless!!

NAME: Liila
AGE: 23
CITY: Florence
OCCUPATION: Student in philosophy
I LIKE: Travelling, Astrology and Music
I DON’T LIKE: Pigeons
FAVOURITE MUSIC: Franco BattiatoPARTICULAR SIGNS: Talking in sleep



AGE: yes I have
City: Wherever I lay my head
Occupation: songwriter
I like: being in the middle of nowhere
I don't like: excuses
Favourite film: the conversation
Favourite music: Tom Waits, Jeff Buckley, Nick Cave, Pearl Jam, Vinicio Capossela, Caetano Veloso......all that you can blues.... all you can feel... all you can...
Particular signs: Can't wait for!

Coming soon......

the pictures....

Friday, February 09, 2007


The catalonian group presents ourselves!! Here we are:

Hi i'm Ranjha, i'm from Pakistan and now i'm living in Barcelona (Spain) from last 2 years.I'm 16 and i'm studying at afternoon my father has bussnisse of mobile and i handle that so mostly i keep silent i like classic , Punjabi Bhangra music i write poetry i worte 7 poems in english , Spanish and Catalan i like to make friends i don't have 1 brother.

hello people!

my name is núria. I' m19 years old,
I'm frm barcelona.
I live with my family. I have one brother and two sisters.

I'm studing drama,
going to the cinema .

I like snowboarding, but for now it's in the cupboard
because this year there is no snow.
I olso like travelling , whith is why I wont to go to portugal.
like meeting people from
other countries.

I look forward to meeting all of you!!

Hello my name is cristian am 19 years old I’m from for barcelona, form a part of a group of hip hop or at least we try(mean) I Like a extreme sports between I practise the skateboard, snow and parkour also I like to dance, I playing in an equipment (team) of funky for 3 years and any thing related to the music…

My name is Jonathan, I am 19 years old, I am from Barcelona (Raval). I like football, TV, teatro, swimming, music and going to the cinema.

I am studying theatre. I have four brothers and one sister.

My name is Nadine, I´m 30 years old. I like very much music, being outside in the countryside, reading, biking, being with my friends, good food... I will be the group leader of the Catalonian group. See you soon in Portugal!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Hello to all the Crossroadies,

Here is the Catalonian group. We met twice so far to organize the exchange. Topics that interest us in general are teatre, music and dancing, and what we would like to share with you during the exchange are our thoughts about our worries (but also the things we like!), learn about your customs, get to know which spaces are there in other countries for young people...

What we would like to do during the exchange is offer a theatre workshop or grafitti and prepare a hip hop choreography... Maybe that could be one of the evening activities.

That´s who we are (on the foto are just Nuria, Jonathan, Cristian and Nadine, there will be a fifth face as well!), soon you will also find here some personal presentations.

Anyway, looking forward to getting to know you soon!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Lithuanian Group: Here we are!

Hi! I'm 17 years old. I live in Salcininkai and go to scool there. I like study, but other my liking is dancing, because I'm very energetic. But the biggest passion - communication. I have a lot of friends, don't avoid new contacts, I take all that life can me give. I've just been admire eyes and smile in other person, I think it's people's mirror. So I'm always smiling. Noticeable: I like sweets, flowers and extrimism!

I’m Juste 18 year old. I’m from Švenčionėliai (little town of east Lithuania).
I’m school girl (11 class) J I participate everywhere, where I can. I like to be in action.
My interests are: books - I love reading! (My favourite writer is P.Coelho); Music and dance – I haven‘t favourite group or something like that, but I can‘t live without it. I like to help people, it is very easy to me and creates a lot of good emotions.
Things that I admire in other person are frankness, communicativeness and smiling!!! I think that the most important thing is enjoying of small things, like the small child enjoy of everything
I like to do funny things, because I‘m jolly girl!


My name is Monika. I'm 17 years old. I live in Lithuania, in a small town. it's in the east of my country. there are a lot of lakes around Švenčionys.
What i do in my life? well... maybe just live. And other things are just particulars. I like talking, keeping silence. reading, travelling, sometimes drawing. watching in the blue sky without any clouds. And when i'm fed up of everything, then i like kissing. mmm? Important. for me the most important is the person. people. I feel empty without people. My minds remain without any form.

My hero: Oooo - hero. I think, that my hero is a god. Do you know why? It's simple, because there aren't any god, but he is so powerful. Don't think wrong, i don't trust in god. that's the point - the non-existent thing becomes in time more real than such reality.
Also reality is, that in other people i admire charm. I could not say other than I did. Person is charming or not. But single lineament, oh, they are useless. Like a blossom, like a book, which has never been opened.
I’ve made no refference, that I also like to party. To do something I’ve never ever did, to relax and to give up to imagination. To go mad. I’m still a child. I never go to the limit of sanity because i just don’t have anything like that. Life is easy and simple, only we complicate it. “The beauty will save the world” – one day Dostoyevsky has said. Let’s save each other.

My name is Ramunas.
I’m 18 years old student and I’m studying at 12 grade.
I live in the small city Lentvaris near the Lithuania’s capital Vilnius.
I love almost everything that is connected with music. Also I like non-commercial cinema.
The most important things in my live are vision and final destination.
Things that I admire in other person are: perseverance, innovation and creativity.
The ways we have fun are very different. Every time we try to find something new and more interesting than it was before.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Youth Exchange Program

Last Friday, 19 of January, we meet and defined the program. We listed the sugestions we had (from Portugal, France and Lithuania) and we tried to include them, in this program. Before going into the daily ideas here are some important points:
  1. The programme in closed in terms of visits and where things will take place, because we need to start now with the logistical work (renting buses, meals, booking activities). However, the methodologies within each session and who does what, is still open for all of us to discuss;
  2. The daily schedule will be defined in the APV, together with all the partners, for now, we just divided morning, afternoon and evening sessions;
  3. The venue will be an old building by the sea between Lisbon and Cascais, we will be sleeping in big rooms of multiple beds;
  4. You will notice that there is a lot of moments that happen out of the venue, this is because we came from 5 different neigborhoods and we all want to show you where we live and include other youngsters from this places. So, the solution is to go to visit them all. But, dont worry, most of them are 15-20 minutes away from the venue and we are trying to have private transport for the group, to make it easier. We are not intending to make big excursions inside the neigborhood;
  5. We tried to include some radical sports, however this is not confirmed yet and, they wont be in a difficult level, if some one in the group doesnt want to do it, of course they dont have to;
  6. One way or another, we all mentioned that it would be nice to use photography during the YE, we agree but still we dont know how or what...
  7. In green we marked the activities that can be developed by any of the partner groups (see: Who wants to organise?). Until the APV we propose that each group:
  • Choose which sessions you would like to prepare and animate;
  • Start to think about methods to use, in order to discuss concrete proposals during the APV;
  • Choose an Intercultural evening to be part of and, together with the other partner of that night, decide what to cook. In the APV we will need to finalise the list of all food and materials to buy, so bilateral preparations should happen till then;
  • To keep on posting pictures and information about eachother in the blog;
  • To have other ideas of what to do until the APV ;)

30 of March, Friday

Afternoon: Arrival of participants, Discovering the venue and around

Evening: Welcome evening (who wants to organise?)


31 of March, Saturday

Morning: Presentation of participants and program (who wants to organise?)

Games for group building and building a common dictionary (who wants to organise?)

Afternoon: Going to the neigborhood of Trajouce, getting to know the locals, and maybe playing futebol, other activities to be defined.

Evening: Intercultural Evening with 2 countries, including 2 groups making dinner together, other activities to be defined;


1 of April, Sunday

Morning: Paintball or another group challenge;

Afternoon: Going to the neigborhood of Galiza, getting to know the locals, and debate about the Role of Youngsters in the Local communities;

Evening: No activities planned here yet; (who wants to organise?)


2 de April, Monday

Morning: Radical Morning (Canooing and Climbing)

Afternoon: Going to the neigborhood of Torre, getting to know the locals, other activities to be defined;

Evening: Intercultural Evening with 2 countries, including 2 groups making dinner together, other activities to be defined;

3 of April, Tuesday

Free Day (optional activities to be defined)

Evening: Group Activity in the Beach


4 of April, Wednesday

Morning: Playing a Simulation Game about Citizenship and discussing this topic;

Afternoon: Going to the neigborhood of Flamenga, getting to know the locals,

and doing activities in the street on the topic of Citisenship; (who wants to organise?)

Evening: Intercultural Evening with 2 countries, including 2 groups making dinner together, other activities to be defined;

5 of April, Tursday

Morning: Satying in the venue, activities to be defined; (who wants to organise?)

Afternoon: Going to the neigborhood of Brejos, activities indoor to be defined;

(who wants to organise?)

Evening: Evening together (place to be defined)


6 of April, Friday

Morning: Talking about Europe and Crossroad opurtunities (who wants to organise?)

Afternoon: Talking about the future ( how to keep in contact, what to do back at home...)

(who wants to organise?)

Evening: Godbye party (who wants to organise?)

That's it, sorry for such a pig post

Hope to see your big posts soon too ;)

Friday, January 19, 2007

Some Portuguese Faces

Hello Friends

The last 2 Fridays we've been meeting to prepare our exchange. Here are some of our faces. Not all participants were on the meeting where the pictures were taken. Later we will add them. Also, some of us that are coming to the meetings, will not be "full time" participants, but we are supoorting those who will.

Some information on Who is Who:

Name: Rasta
(yellow shirt)
Age: 20
What I do: Student
What I like: Music, Singing, Football, Dancing, making friends
Name: Sergio (white n brown shirt)
Age: 20
What I do: Trainer of Junior Football, Work with Kids on the Weekends
What I like: Football
Name: Angela (white and black jacket)
Age: 26
What I do: Work in a Restaurant
(Supporting Participant)
Name: Cadija Baldé (brown jacket)
Age: 19
What I do: Junior Programmer
What I like to do: Read, Movies, Computers and walking around
Name: Lito Jacinto (brown hat)
Age: 23
What I do: Student, President of Novos Horizontes 404 Youth Association, Monitor on a Volley Club
What I like to do: Laught, meet people, being with friends, Football
(Group Leader)

Thursday, January 04, 2007

finally our faces on the net

Our present to the happy new year the photo of the french team...
After is to you to find who is who....
as we have some change of role inside the group: Marcianne will be our coordinator, and Corine, Sebastien and Alexande are the 3 of the french participant...
the last but not the least partcipant will be Vincent... you just have to wait a bit to discover him

again happy new year