Can't wait to be with you again...

Monday, July 23, 2007

Another french idea for the future!!!!

Hello everybody !!!

In France, we work about the project of the future!!!
We are a group which work about the project of European festival. Initially, we thinking do it in Greece as it was plan, but it’s difficult to have contact. So we think that it will be difficult to organize it to next summer with the initial form.
Moreover, we are interesting by the Portuguese proposition, about training course.

And for not loosing energy because we can’t be everywhere: So, we propose to start, to join the two project, if the Greek and Portuguese team are agree, and organize in France a youth exchange, and use art to talk about a subject (like discrimination for example) and to finish the week with a musical evening with European group if it’s possible.

It’s an idea and we must work a lot about it, but we are motivated! So if the Greek and Portuguese team are agree, and if other country are interesting to participate and to work about the creation of the week (like the youth exchange in the Portugal) we are ready to start to develop this project for next summer!!!!

We wait your reaction and we would know very soon if you are ready to collaborate and have a team in this exchange!!!

We wait for your answer!!!!

Kiss to all!!!!

the french group

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excelent opportunity, Portugal is a GREAT country!!!