Can't wait to be with you again...

Monday, February 19, 2007

last news about Bretons

tonight we had discussion around a convivial dinner...

First we wanted to introduce you our last participant VINCENT:

i am 19 years old.

I study History.

I like sports (basketball, football...) and going to concerts and organise some them with some friends. I really like simple life for this importants moment: drink, eat and sleep.

I'm involved in NGO who organised concerts.

I have some project to travel in TOGO in next August.

Oops! i forgot to say to you i LIke cats!

see you soon in Portugal.

We discuss also about the programm (we are impatient to discover your realities and sports activities!)

1/ We are interrested to take in charge the presentation of particpants (on saturday morning). we thought about funny game to discover each other better (names, hobbies, actions...)

2/ on monday afternoon, when we will go in Torre, we propose to build a kind of workshops in order to presents each local realities of the networks and concrets actions realised in each territories of CROSSROAD. what do you think about this proposle?

For the internationnal evening: we NEED to acess to the kitchen (most of our traditionnal meals should be cooked). if you solved this problem we can do our meals on the wenesday night. (if not, we will come with some fresh meals and we will need to do it on saturday)

We had began tonight to bought our plane tikets

arrival the 30 march (we couldn't arrive earlier cause of budget) at 21:35 Lisboa

departure from Lisboa the 7 april at 15:15

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