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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Lithuanian Group: Here we are!

Hi! I'm 17 years old. I live in Salcininkai and go to scool there. I like study, but other my liking is dancing, because I'm very energetic. But the biggest passion - communication. I have a lot of friends, don't avoid new contacts, I take all that life can me give. I've just been admire eyes and smile in other person, I think it's people's mirror. So I'm always smiling. Noticeable: I like sweets, flowers and extrimism!

I’m Juste 18 year old. I’m from Švenčionėliai (little town of east Lithuania).
I’m school girl (11 class) J I participate everywhere, where I can. I like to be in action.
My interests are: books - I love reading! (My favourite writer is P.Coelho); Music and dance – I haven‘t favourite group or something like that, but I can‘t live without it. I like to help people, it is very easy to me and creates a lot of good emotions.
Things that I admire in other person are frankness, communicativeness and smiling!!! I think that the most important thing is enjoying of small things, like the small child enjoy of everything
I like to do funny things, because I‘m jolly girl!


My name is Monika. I'm 17 years old. I live in Lithuania, in a small town. it's in the east of my country. there are a lot of lakes around Švenčionys.
What i do in my life? well... maybe just live. And other things are just particulars. I like talking, keeping silence. reading, travelling, sometimes drawing. watching in the blue sky without any clouds. And when i'm fed up of everything, then i like kissing. mmm? Important. for me the most important is the person. people. I feel empty without people. My minds remain without any form.

My hero: Oooo - hero. I think, that my hero is a god. Do you know why? It's simple, because there aren't any god, but he is so powerful. Don't think wrong, i don't trust in god. that's the point - the non-existent thing becomes in time more real than such reality.
Also reality is, that in other people i admire charm. I could not say other than I did. Person is charming or not. But single lineament, oh, they are useless. Like a blossom, like a book, which has never been opened.
I’ve made no refference, that I also like to party. To do something I’ve never ever did, to relax and to give up to imagination. To go mad. I’m still a child. I never go to the limit of sanity because i just don’t have anything like that. Life is easy and simple, only we complicate it. “The beauty will save the world” – one day Dostoyevsky has said. Let’s save each other.

My name is Ramunas.
I’m 18 years old student and I’m studying at 12 grade.
I live in the small city Lentvaris near the Lithuania’s capital Vilnius.
I love almost everything that is connected with music. Also I like non-commercial cinema.
The most important things in my live are vision and final destination.
Things that I admire in other person are: perseverance, innovation and creativity.
The ways we have fun are very different. Every time we try to find something new and more interesting than it was before.

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