Can't wait to be with you again...

Monday, January 22, 2007

Youth Exchange Program

Last Friday, 19 of January, we meet and defined the program. We listed the sugestions we had (from Portugal, France and Lithuania) and we tried to include them, in this program. Before going into the daily ideas here are some important points:
  1. The programme in closed in terms of visits and where things will take place, because we need to start now with the logistical work (renting buses, meals, booking activities). However, the methodologies within each session and who does what, is still open for all of us to discuss;
  2. The daily schedule will be defined in the APV, together with all the partners, for now, we just divided morning, afternoon and evening sessions;
  3. The venue will be an old building by the sea between Lisbon and Cascais, we will be sleeping in big rooms of multiple beds;
  4. You will notice that there is a lot of moments that happen out of the venue, this is because we came from 5 different neigborhoods and we all want to show you where we live and include other youngsters from this places. So, the solution is to go to visit them all. But, dont worry, most of them are 15-20 minutes away from the venue and we are trying to have private transport for the group, to make it easier. We are not intending to make big excursions inside the neigborhood;
  5. We tried to include some radical sports, however this is not confirmed yet and, they wont be in a difficult level, if some one in the group doesnt want to do it, of course they dont have to;
  6. One way or another, we all mentioned that it would be nice to use photography during the YE, we agree but still we dont know how or what...
  7. In green we marked the activities that can be developed by any of the partner groups (see: Who wants to organise?). Until the APV we propose that each group:
  • Choose which sessions you would like to prepare and animate;
  • Start to think about methods to use, in order to discuss concrete proposals during the APV;
  • Choose an Intercultural evening to be part of and, together with the other partner of that night, decide what to cook. In the APV we will need to finalise the list of all food and materials to buy, so bilateral preparations should happen till then;
  • To keep on posting pictures and information about eachother in the blog;
  • To have other ideas of what to do until the APV ;)

30 of March, Friday

Afternoon: Arrival of participants, Discovering the venue and around

Evening: Welcome evening (who wants to organise?)


31 of March, Saturday

Morning: Presentation of participants and program (who wants to organise?)

Games for group building and building a common dictionary (who wants to organise?)

Afternoon: Going to the neigborhood of Trajouce, getting to know the locals, and maybe playing futebol, other activities to be defined.

Evening: Intercultural Evening with 2 countries, including 2 groups making dinner together, other activities to be defined;


1 of April, Sunday

Morning: Paintball or another group challenge;

Afternoon: Going to the neigborhood of Galiza, getting to know the locals, and debate about the Role of Youngsters in the Local communities;

Evening: No activities planned here yet; (who wants to organise?)


2 de April, Monday

Morning: Radical Morning (Canooing and Climbing)

Afternoon: Going to the neigborhood of Torre, getting to know the locals, other activities to be defined;

Evening: Intercultural Evening with 2 countries, including 2 groups making dinner together, other activities to be defined;

3 of April, Tuesday

Free Day (optional activities to be defined)

Evening: Group Activity in the Beach


4 of April, Wednesday

Morning: Playing a Simulation Game about Citizenship and discussing this topic;

Afternoon: Going to the neigborhood of Flamenga, getting to know the locals,

and doing activities in the street on the topic of Citisenship; (who wants to organise?)

Evening: Intercultural Evening with 2 countries, including 2 groups making dinner together, other activities to be defined;

5 of April, Tursday

Morning: Satying in the venue, activities to be defined; (who wants to organise?)

Afternoon: Going to the neigborhood of Brejos, activities indoor to be defined;

(who wants to organise?)

Evening: Evening together (place to be defined)


6 of April, Friday

Morning: Talking about Europe and Crossroad opurtunities (who wants to organise?)

Afternoon: Talking about the future ( how to keep in contact, what to do back at home...)

(who wants to organise?)

Evening: Godbye party (who wants to organise?)

That's it, sorry for such a pig post

Hope to see your big posts soon too ;)

1 comment:

juste said...

Hello, everyone! So, we (Lithuanian group) want to organise "Welcome evening". And besides we‘ll be one day earlier in portugal