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Monday, May 28, 2007

Future Project Ideas - Training course

Countries: Greece, Portugal, Italy, France, Lithuania, Spain,Cap Verte, Morocco

Type of activity: Training Course

1. Learn how to organize a Youth Exchange to make youngsters more sensible to participation in local communities
2. Meet other cultures;
3. Learn activities to bring at local level

1. Workshop on poverty, discrimination, racism, drugs and sexually transmitted diseases;
2 Meeting with local communities to learn local heritage, habits;
3. Extreme activities to bring more energy and emotion

Venue: First- Lithuania; Second - Morocco; Third – Cap Verte

Reflections about this project
The Portuguese team likes this project very much, and would like to take a part in it. However, feels that:
- It should be more focused in geographic terms;
- It has to much themes… it should be more specific and invest in visiting local communities
- France should be a good place to have the TC, because it has many cultural groups, and number of social issues

1. Is it necessary to go out of Europe to develop this project (monetary issues became a big problem in this project?
2. Is is possible for a TC to occur in different countries and divided in time? (if not, we think that France and Portugal are good countries to host this project).


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