Can't wait to be with you again...

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Hella Malakas!

Hey everybody too tired to write?

I slept over 14 hours on saturday and re-emerged with my eyes and brain full of dreams of blue oceans and beautiful memories of the exchange.
I miss each one of you a lot, it has been so hard to go back to "normal" life again, I am still struggling...
When we left we forgot to take all the contact list and the pictures... so now I hope that you'll leave your contacts (MSN, Skype, email, as you please) on the blog comments or that Vera will read this desperate announce and mail everyone with it! :-P
For the moment I will leave you mines.
I wanted to post one of my few picture, but I don't have any with me at the moment, I promise I'll add one later.
One more thing: Stefanos asked us to define with a word all the exchange. A part from the fact that it's impossible, I thought about it all the one hour train ride from Bologna to Firenze and in the end... it came up to me: INITIATIVE. I thought about this one surely not because it is the best one (it's madness wanting to stick every single moment of the awesome experience we shared in one single word) but because it's a word that looks forward.
I would really like to take more initiative in my life, in my local community, in my association, in Europe... basicly in everything I do. This exchange has thaught me this: it's not worth to wait in the second line: we must step right in front and take action!!
I hope you all are happy and I would like to embrace you in the biggest hug ever on earth
Take care,
lots of love,


Anonymous said...

My contacts:
letzi83 (Skype)

juste said...

houstons (juste) contacts:
bebrytes (skype)
+ 370 622 02732

and if you'll write real letter :
juste babrauskaite
ateities 35
LT- 18215

Crossroadies said...

Don't worry I will send the contact list to your leaders, that will send them to you!

(I all so slept, like 16 hours straight, than I was with my familiy, than to Hard Work... but with all of you in my mind!)

Beijos grandes
