Can't wait to be with you again...

Monday, February 26, 2007

Lets Cross our fingers for crossroad!
Last weekend Portugal had the pleasure to receive the amazing team of youth leaders of the next exchange. They will probably tell you all about it. (Dont forget to ask them about the black magic...they will know...)

Anyway, here are some pictures of the place where we will stay during the exchange, the beach near by, the working room and the view out of the windows.

Ahhh, and the picture of the group pretending to work...Im mean... working hard on the programme!

Monday, February 19, 2007

last news about Bretons

tonight we had discussion around a convivial dinner...

First we wanted to introduce you our last participant VINCENT:

i am 19 years old.

I study History.

I like sports (basketball, football...) and going to concerts and organise some them with some friends. I really like simple life for this importants moment: drink, eat and sleep.

I'm involved in NGO who organised concerts.

I have some project to travel in TOGO in next August.

Oops! i forgot to say to you i LIke cats!

see you soon in Portugal.

We discuss also about the programm (we are impatient to discover your realities and sports activities!)

1/ We are interrested to take in charge the presentation of particpants (on saturday morning). we thought about funny game to discover each other better (names, hobbies, actions...)

2/ on monday afternoon, when we will go in Torre, we propose to build a kind of workshops in order to presents each local realities of the networks and concrets actions realised in each territories of CROSSROAD. what do you think about this proposle?

For the internationnal evening: we NEED to acess to the kitchen (most of our traditionnal meals should be cooked). if you solved this problem we can do our meals on the wenesday night. (if not, we will come with some fresh meals and we will need to do it on saturday)

We had began tonight to bought our plane tikets

arrival the 30 march (we couldn't arrive earlier cause of budget) at 21:35 Lisboa

departure from Lisboa the 7 april at 15:15

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Italians are coming!!!

Here we are....finally....

Quick presentation..

Name: Letizia
Age: 23
City: Firenze (Italy)
Study: Public Communications
Favourite Movie: ?Forrest Gump?, ?Schlindler?s List?, ?Le fabuleux
destin d'Amélie Poulain?
Favourite Music: Franz Ferdinand, Alanis Morrissette, Oasis.
Sport: Basketball, Ultimate Frisbee, Soccer.
Things I like: travelling, make new friends, cooking, cloudy sunsets on
the beach.
Things I don?'t like: hypocrisy, extra-dark chocolate, waking up early.
Particularities: I wear glasses and I can'?t wait for Harry Potter 7!
When I finish University I?'d love to work for the European Commission.

name: mirko cantini
age:20 years old
profession: student
I like: movies, dance, table tennis, pizza and pasta!!, and everything funny
I don't like: study, nothing to do in the evening, olive and lemon
movie: love actually, patch adams, casomai, and other 1000..maybe
music: 883, and all the song that have a meening for me..and all that we can
dance in latin-american dance..

NAME: elena
AGE: 22/23
CITY:i was born in grosseto but now i live in
STUDY/WORK: i study childhood science at the
florence university and i work in the national social
working program for the youth(servizio civile)
I LIKE...:children,animals,art,travel and read
I DON'T LIKE...:violence
FILM:"pulp fiction" and all tarantino's films
MUSIC:radiohead,prodigy and reggae music
CHARACTERISTICS MARKS:i'm always careless!!

NAME: Liila
AGE: 23
CITY: Florence
OCCUPATION: Student in philosophy
I LIKE: Travelling, Astrology and Music
I DON’T LIKE: Pigeons
FAVOURITE MUSIC: Franco BattiatoPARTICULAR SIGNS: Talking in sleep



AGE: yes I have
City: Wherever I lay my head
Occupation: songwriter
I like: being in the middle of nowhere
I don't like: excuses
Favourite film: the conversation
Favourite music: Tom Waits, Jeff Buckley, Nick Cave, Pearl Jam, Vinicio Capossela, Caetano Veloso......all that you can blues.... all you can feel... all you can...
Particular signs: Can't wait for!

Coming soon......

the pictures....

Friday, February 09, 2007


The catalonian group presents ourselves!! Here we are:

Hi i'm Ranjha, i'm from Pakistan and now i'm living in Barcelona (Spain) from last 2 years.I'm 16 and i'm studying at afternoon my father has bussnisse of mobile and i handle that so mostly i keep silent i like classic , Punjabi Bhangra music i write poetry i worte 7 poems in english , Spanish and Catalan i like to make friends i don't have 1 brother.

hello people!

my name is núria. I' m19 years old,
I'm frm barcelona.
I live with my family. I have one brother and two sisters.

I'm studing drama,
going to the cinema .

I like snowboarding, but for now it's in the cupboard
because this year there is no snow.
I olso like travelling , whith is why I wont to go to portugal.
like meeting people from
other countries.

I look forward to meeting all of you!!

Hello my name is cristian am 19 years old I’m from for barcelona, form a part of a group of hip hop or at least we try(mean) I Like a extreme sports between I practise the skateboard, snow and parkour also I like to dance, I playing in an equipment (team) of funky for 3 years and any thing related to the music…

My name is Jonathan, I am 19 years old, I am from Barcelona (Raval). I like football, TV, teatro, swimming, music and going to the cinema.

I am studying theatre. I have four brothers and one sister.

My name is Nadine, I´m 30 years old. I like very much music, being outside in the countryside, reading, biking, being with my friends, good food... I will be the group leader of the Catalonian group. See you soon in Portugal!