Can't wait to be with you again...

Monday, December 11, 2006

presentation of the french group of partcipants

Presentation of the fantastic crazy French group

I’m 17 years old. I go to school and this year I pass my baccalaureat.
I’m involved in MRJC (an NGO who work on the active participation of young people in rural area) and I organise a festival for 3 years.
I like music, and meet a lot of people!!!! I laugh All the time ….

I am 24 years old. When sun is shinning I go nowhere it’s funny. I like the eagles and orange. I play on a rock ‘n roll band totally stupid.
I’m involved in an NGO “asso 100 fous” (the translation is 100 crazy) we organise concerts; we had made some actions during this summer linked with an NGO about fair-trade. We have a project to create a European orchard that we want to share with you!
In March I will be certainly employed on the biggest enterprise in France ANPE: the unemployed service

I am 19 years old. I study to be animator and I would like to live and work in Spain. I‘m involved in an NGO “l’As o Skoat” which organise concerts.
I like cheese and wine but I like too parties and music.

I’m 23 years old I’m unemployed (anpe).
I like music psycadelic & play guitar in rock roll band.
Me also I’m part of the asso 100 fous.
I like cook & drink …this is my life in this moment!!!

We live in different villages in the incredible region of Bretagne. More precisely we are in the Department of Morbihan and in the area of the local network of Crossroad Project

As we will begin soon to see which transport we will choose to come to Portugal. We wanted to know where exactly the exchange will take part in order to know in which city we should arrive?
Let us know as soon as possible… Thank’s in advance


juste said...

labas (that is Hi in lithuanian)

I'm Juste from Lithuania:) I'm very glad that I knew little about French group. if you want, you can write to me in skype (my nick - bebrytes)

iki! (that is good bey :))

Anonymous said...

Hi! You are really crazy group ;)
Maybe can see your fotos?
My contacts:
julinka69(in skype)

Julija from Lithuania