Can't wait to be with you again...

Friday, December 01, 2006


We have taken a picture of some of us so you can see how we look like! Of course, we would also like to have some pictures from you and stories of how you participate in your local communities.
On the first meeting with our Portuguese group, we did many games and exercises to reflect about diversity and how to learn from differences and equalities. We realised that we don’t know too much about you, your country, your traditions, music, food, etc... We can imagine things, but we’re never sure until you tell us!
So, what about you? Let us know what you know about us.

1 comment:

Gaëlle de Luciole said...


OK, our pictures will arrive later… the not so good weather in BRETAGNE (what a surprise….?!) was not the best moment to take a good picture of us.

As you, we tried to see in our meetings what we know about you… and we realized that we have most of the time only stereotypes… To give you a view , this is the list of the few things we “know” about your different countries :

Portugal: Porto, sun, now we know also Cork, hairy, cod, fado (in Bretagne traditions the equivalence is “Gwerz” songs), Moon’s bell ( a “kitch” black metal band) , the dramatics fire woods during last summers…
Italia: Macho, sun, carbonara, Pizza, Vino, Pavarotti, pasta, Mocha (during our last meeting we drink coffee in an Italian mocha)…
Spain: Beautiful boys, Fiesta, Flamenco, Sun, Absinthe, Tapas…
Greece: Moussaka, sun, islands, Mythology, Ouzo, “ attack of the Giant Moussaka” (a Greek movie)…
Lithuania: …??? Cold, is far away, traditional clothes (as we could see on the photos of the training in Barcelona), long days and long nights, Baltic country, ecology, wood house…

As we said we saw that we don’t know also a lot of things about you all. And most of the elements we said are stereotypes (may be some are good, but surely some are totally wrongs)… and the best way to break them is to exchange directly on it with you! About this what you know about us?
During this exchange we want also to go deeper to know you, your cultures, traditions, foods, way of life, music also… 
We were thinking also that each of our groups could prepare things before to bring during the exchange: games, music, food, photos (about what is typical and what is not typical!) What do you think? What can we all bring to the exchange?

As we will be hosted by you, fantastic Portuguese group, we were thinking that during this week we could also make some visit of places that you want to show to us, visit of youth initiatives, and typical places were you have habits to meet your friends… to discover also your realities, the place where you live.