Can't wait to be with you again...

Monday, December 11, 2006

our first contributions of the possible contents of this youth exchange


We are also agreeing to create this programme together. That’s why we made two meeting this last weekends… we send you our actual brainstorming to our contribution:
The main theme of this Youth Exchange is “YOUTH PARTICIPATION”. We thought that inside this theme we could exchange about the Role of Young People is the local community. What do you think about that? Totally agree…

We were thinking about possible subjects inside this topic:
1/ the role of young people in the local community:
- In politic (local)
- In initiatives, NGO
- In cultural events

2/ The way that the local community perceive the young people
- How the local politics and municipalities recognize the young and support their actions?
- Does it exist youth structures, for which age?
- If a youth have an idea, does it exist any support?
- Does youth initiatives, youth NGO linked with others NGO?

3/ to discover each other about this topic
- Do we belong to NGO, organisations… which ones, what are the aims…
- Do we make projects, which ones, on which topics…
- Do we have ideas of projects, which ones…

4/ for the following
- How can we act at local level?
- How can we may be create link with our actions, help each others…
- How can we continue to stay in contacts? Create links about youth in our different countries? Contribute to our European network of crossroad project?

In links, we were also thinking that this youth exchange could a good occasion to discuss and exchange about our vision of Europe, and how we want to build it… what do you think?

After we don’t know to do what, but maybe we can use tools as photos, and videos to create “things “all together?

presentation of the french group of partcipants

Presentation of the fantastic crazy French group

I’m 17 years old. I go to school and this year I pass my baccalaureat.
I’m involved in MRJC (an NGO who work on the active participation of young people in rural area) and I organise a festival for 3 years.
I like music, and meet a lot of people!!!! I laugh All the time ….

I am 24 years old. When sun is shinning I go nowhere it’s funny. I like the eagles and orange. I play on a rock ‘n roll band totally stupid.
I’m involved in an NGO “asso 100 fous” (the translation is 100 crazy) we organise concerts; we had made some actions during this summer linked with an NGO about fair-trade. We have a project to create a European orchard that we want to share with you!
In March I will be certainly employed on the biggest enterprise in France ANPE: the unemployed service

I am 19 years old. I study to be animator and I would like to live and work in Spain. I‘m involved in an NGO “l’As o Skoat” which organise concerts.
I like cheese and wine but I like too parties and music.

I’m 23 years old I’m unemployed (anpe).
I like music psycadelic & play guitar in rock roll band.
Me also I’m part of the asso 100 fous.
I like cook & drink …this is my life in this moment!!!

We live in different villages in the incredible region of Bretagne. More precisely we are in the Department of Morbihan and in the area of the local network of Crossroad Project

As we will begin soon to see which transport we will choose to come to Portugal. We wanted to know where exactly the exchange will take part in order to know in which city we should arrive?
Let us know as soon as possible… Thank’s in advance

Friday, December 01, 2006


We would like as well to have our opinion on the following topics:

  • creative solutions to make the communication between all of us easier.
  • different ways to involve other young people from our neighbourhoods/ territories

Hugs from the Portuguese Group


We have taken a picture of some of us so you can see how we look like! Of course, we would also like to have some pictures from you and stories of how you participate in your local communities.
On the first meeting with our Portuguese group, we did many games and exercises to reflect about diversity and how to learn from differences and equalities. We realised that we don’t know too much about you, your country, your traditions, music, food, etc... We can imagine things, but we’re never sure until you tell us!
So, what about you? Let us know what you know about us.