Can't wait to be with you again...

Monday, July 23, 2007

Another french idea for the future!!!!

Hello everybody !!!

In France, we work about the project of the future!!!
We are a group which work about the project of European festival. Initially, we thinking do it in Greece as it was plan, but it’s difficult to have contact. So we think that it will be difficult to organize it to next summer with the initial form.
Moreover, we are interesting by the Portuguese proposition, about training course.

And for not loosing energy because we can’t be everywhere: So, we propose to start, to join the two project, if the Greek and Portuguese team are agree, and organize in France a youth exchange, and use art to talk about a subject (like discrimination for example) and to finish the week with a musical evening with European group if it’s possible.

It’s an idea and we must work a lot about it, but we are motivated! So if the Greek and Portuguese team are agree, and if other country are interesting to participate and to work about the creation of the week (like the youth exchange in the Portugal) we are ready to start to develop this project for next summer!!!!

We wait your reaction and we would know very soon if you are ready to collaborate and have a team in this exchange!!!

We wait for your answer!!!!

Kiss to all!!!!

the french group

Monday, June 25, 2007

Italians do it better: our project for the future!

Dear all,
We deeply miss the days in Portugal and you all!
Even if june has been incredibly hot here in Florence and we're all looking forward to holidays (Mirko, Liila and Letizia are going to PAF Festival in Corfu!!!) the italian team is working.... our brains are running fast and produced the great idea to:
This is the pre-call of partners we're sending around. It should have arrived to all of you already.

"We are a group of italian young people who met during a youth exchange in frame of Crossroad large-scale project.
We would like to organize a multilateral youth exchange here in Florence (Tuscany) for April 2008 (deadline 1st September 2007).
We thought that it would be nice and interesting to work on sustainable development with an eye on what we (as individuals and families) can do in concrete. E.g. recycling, reducing consumption, re-using, awareness on our impact on the environment, etc.
For this exchange we are thinking of some activities to involve local communities to be done before, during and after the exchange.
We would like to develop the project part in the city of Florence, part in the countryside because we think it’s important to see the two different scenarios.
We are looking for groups of 4-5 young people aged 20-25 (+ a group leader) interested in participating in this project.
We would like to develop the project together with the partners since the very beginning to promote a strong involvement of all the participant in the project.
If you’re interested please contact Liila within 2nd July 2007 (

Elena, Giuseppe, Liila, Letizia, Mirko."

So... what do you think?? We'll be very happy to see all of you in Italy next year, so... talk with your friends, your organizations, everybody and.... COME!!!!

Friday, June 08, 2007

Ideas for Future Projects! - French Reaction

Corinne sent us the french reply to our request for future projects. Let´s take a look a reflect a little more:

We had a meeting last week in France to talk about the future too. We determined different action and worked in little group about it.

1) Art festival

When we talked about it in Portugal, we were thinking, that it will be during one week. But, now, in France, we think it will be difficult to organize this during one week and, like Portuguese team, it’s hard and expensive…
So, we think maybe it will be better, if the Greek team agree, to integrate this project in the Andreas’s festival, and, if it’s possible of course, in his festival, to profit of one special evening to do a European concert with European music group.
For us, it will be easier to start with anything which exists already, and if in Greece it’s not possible, in other country…. in France we are agree and start, if other country are motivated, to organize this.
But, one of the reflections about the art festival in France is that for the European subvention, it’s necessary to do a festival not for just a festival but to integrate other subject.
And if it happens another country than in Greece, the hosting country need to be very motivated, and ready to carry and organise the project.

2) Training course

At the last meeting, we evocated this project but we didn’t work in this. So, the proposition of the Portuguese team is for me interesting so we will talk about this in the next meeting that it’s the 23 of June, and we tell you the French reaction about this after.
Just a short reflection and suggestion about this training: why not mixing the art festival / youth exchange and training, like having a week of training that finish with a concert (linked with the topic of the week)

3) 6 of October

We work a lot in France on another project that is the project of the 6 of October.
The project is that all the country organizes the same day a manifestation. It would be the Crossroad day.
The subject and animations in this day are free but the principle is to do things the same day in our 6 local networks on the 6 countries related to youth participation and to connect at the same hour with internet and exchange…..
We don’t know if all the countries heard about it but we think that it can be very good to create a European action and mobilise in each of our countries!!!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Ideas for Future Projects!!! Let's get together again!!!

Yesterday part of the Portuguese team had a meeting to discuss the follow-up ideas of the Youth Exchange in Portugal.

We look to the project ideas raised on the YE and we had some reflections about them.

So we like to share this reflections with all of you and challenge you to work together in one of these, or other projects.

We suggest that you leave your comments about working together in the future on the blog, and all so by e-mail to all the contact list.

We are waiting for all ideas! We would really like to work together again!

Read you soon!

Future Project Ideas - Training course

Countries: Greece, Portugal, Italy, France, Lithuania, Spain,Cap Verte, Morocco

Type of activity: Training Course

1. Learn how to organize a Youth Exchange to make youngsters more sensible to participation in local communities
2. Meet other cultures;
3. Learn activities to bring at local level

1. Workshop on poverty, discrimination, racism, drugs and sexually transmitted diseases;
2 Meeting with local communities to learn local heritage, habits;
3. Extreme activities to bring more energy and emotion

Venue: First- Lithuania; Second - Morocco; Third – Cap Verte

Reflections about this project
The Portuguese team likes this project very much, and would like to take a part in it. However, feels that:
- It should be more focused in geographic terms;
- It has to much themes… it should be more specific and invest in visiting local communities
- France should be a good place to have the TC, because it has many cultural groups, and number of social issues

1. Is it necessary to go out of Europe to develop this project (monetary issues became a big problem in this project?
2. Is is possible for a TC to occur in different countries and divided in time? (if not, we think that France and Portugal are good countries to host this project).


Future Project Ideas - Art Festival

Countries: Greece, Portugal, Italy, France, Lithuania

Type of activity: Art Festival


  1. Intercultural mix;

  2. Collect money to support the local communities;

  3. Raise awareness about European Union, fight discrimination


  • Workshops in different neighbourhoods with the locals;

  • Have a detailed program that involves the locals;

  • Concerts, photo exhibitions, video art, painting, graffiti, street art, dance, theatre, circus

  • Camping;

Venue: Greece – Oropos
Date: July 2008

Reflections about this project
This project seems a good way to promote cultural exchange;
It could be followed by other similar festivals in the partners countries;
It’s a good ideia to have cooperation between several countries to help a community;
It’s a hard project to develop, it takes lots of logistic work;
It’s a expensive project

1. Is there any interest in developing this project?
2. If there is interest, when can we start working on it?
3. Which organization is responsible for the local development and management of the local activities?
4. Which cultural contribution and help can every country give to the project?


Sunday, May 06, 2007

Motivation Meeting! :-)

Thinking about the future, the Portuguese group meet to define the next goal and aims in this project.

First we had a home cooked meal than we had a brainstorm!

So we defined that in a close future we want to have more training about citizenship, youth participation and about how to make a project.

Meanwhile next week we are going to look to the ideas raised in the Youth Exchange... we want to get pour hands on hard work!
Dino and Wilson are not in this picture becouse they are in training. Wilson is in France and Dino is in Quiaios!
Hugs and kisses to everyone!