Can't wait to be with you again...

Monday, May 28, 2007

Ideas for Future Projects!!! Let's get together again!!!

Yesterday part of the Portuguese team had a meeting to discuss the follow-up ideas of the Youth Exchange in Portugal.

We look to the project ideas raised on the YE and we had some reflections about them.

So we like to share this reflections with all of you and challenge you to work together in one of these, or other projects.

We suggest that you leave your comments about working together in the future on the blog, and all so by e-mail to all the contact list.

We are waiting for all ideas! We would really like to work together again!

Read you soon!

Future Project Ideas - Training course

Countries: Greece, Portugal, Italy, France, Lithuania, Spain,Cap Verte, Morocco

Type of activity: Training Course

1. Learn how to organize a Youth Exchange to make youngsters more sensible to participation in local communities
2. Meet other cultures;
3. Learn activities to bring at local level

1. Workshop on poverty, discrimination, racism, drugs and sexually transmitted diseases;
2 Meeting with local communities to learn local heritage, habits;
3. Extreme activities to bring more energy and emotion

Venue: First- Lithuania; Second - Morocco; Third – Cap Verte

Reflections about this project
The Portuguese team likes this project very much, and would like to take a part in it. However, feels that:
- It should be more focused in geographic terms;
- It has to much themes… it should be more specific and invest in visiting local communities
- France should be a good place to have the TC, because it has many cultural groups, and number of social issues

1. Is it necessary to go out of Europe to develop this project (monetary issues became a big problem in this project?
2. Is is possible for a TC to occur in different countries and divided in time? (if not, we think that France and Portugal are good countries to host this project).


Future Project Ideas - Art Festival

Countries: Greece, Portugal, Italy, France, Lithuania

Type of activity: Art Festival


  1. Intercultural mix;

  2. Collect money to support the local communities;

  3. Raise awareness about European Union, fight discrimination


  • Workshops in different neighbourhoods with the locals;

  • Have a detailed program that involves the locals;

  • Concerts, photo exhibitions, video art, painting, graffiti, street art, dance, theatre, circus

  • Camping;

Venue: Greece – Oropos
Date: July 2008

Reflections about this project
This project seems a good way to promote cultural exchange;
It could be followed by other similar festivals in the partners countries;
It’s a good ideia to have cooperation between several countries to help a community;
It’s a hard project to develop, it takes lots of logistic work;
It’s a expensive project

1. Is there any interest in developing this project?
2. If there is interest, when can we start working on it?
3. Which organization is responsible for the local development and management of the local activities?
4. Which cultural contribution and help can every country give to the project?


Sunday, May 06, 2007

Motivation Meeting! :-)

Thinking about the future, the Portuguese group meet to define the next goal and aims in this project.

First we had a home cooked meal than we had a brainstorm!

So we defined that in a close future we want to have more training about citizenship, youth participation and about how to make a project.

Meanwhile next week we are going to look to the ideas raised in the Youth Exchange... we want to get pour hands on hard work!
Dino and Wilson are not in this picture becouse they are in training. Wilson is in France and Dino is in Quiaios!
Hugs and kisses to everyone!